PVC Cement Regular, Medium & Heavy Body

Product Information

Formulated for the Specific Installations
Unique to Plastic Pipe Joints and Fittings
Conforms to ASTM D-2564 Requirements

Part No.SizePcs/CaseColorBody
PV-04R4 OZ24/CASEClearRegular
PV-08R8 OZ24/CASEClearRegular
PV-16R16 OZ12/CASEClearRegular
PV-32R32 OZ12/CASEClearRegular
PV-GAR1 GAL6/CASEClearRegular
PV-08M8 OZ24/CASEClearMedium
PV-16M16 OZ12/CASEClearMedium
PV-04H4 OZ24/CASEClearHeavy
PV-08H8 OZ24/CASEClearHeavy
PV-16H16 OZ12/CASEClearHeavy
PV-32H32 OZ12/CASEClearHeavy
GPV-08H8 OZ24/CASEGrayHeavy
GPV-16H16 OZ12/CASEGrayHeavy
GPV-32H32 OZ12/CASEGrayHeavy

PVC Cement Regular Clear (pdf)


PVC Cement Heavy Clear (pdf)


PVC Cement Medium Clear (pdf)
